Sunday, November 9, 2014


Dr. Myles Munroe died today it just makes me think and wonder when am I going to die? Life doesn't have to be as hard as I make it there are so many Hindrances that I allow to possess me to overtake me and to make me procrastinate! I really just want to do right. I really just want to live life for God to serve people and to be the best me I can possibly be! My prayer is to just do it! Get up first thing in the morning have a plan have a goal and just do it! Life is not promised to us each day is truly a present and a gift and I take it for granted sometimes. I take God for granted I take my love ones for Granted I'm not doing this anymore it's not right. Laziness is an enemy. Comfort zone is an enemy. Sometimes the inner me is an enemy. I'm going to do something different. I'm going to focus on three things only! Anything besides those three things I cannot and will not do. Number one is my health what I eat and getting exercise every single day! Number two is learning and mastering the keyboard the piano! Number three is God reading studying and meditating and praying and going to the Ministry school and that's it.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Live your life live your dreams find your purpose

It doesn't matter how old you are you must find what you were born to do and you must do it right away. Time is short life is not long it passes like a Vapor just like that and You are gone. Before you die, you have got to find out what God put you here for. Look on YouTube, read books that interest you, Remember when you were a child what did you love to do? Did you play the piano did you create music in your heart, did you sing at church, what is it that you did that you have forgotten about? It is not forgotten by God, and it is not forgotten by your subconscious mind you must get out of your old habits and your regular routine ways of doing your daily activities. If you want change in your life if you are not truly excited and vibrant every single day then it's time for a change right now today. Start looking on YouTube and typing in things like find my purpose, living my best life, what is my potential, Etc... I'm telling you my life is changing in God is revealing my purpose and giving me dreams and visions and it feels good to live my life on purpose! God bless you and don't forget to read His word He will speak to you through Hid word! Please leave any questions or comments

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Life's dream and purpose

The Bible says to write down the vision and to make it plain. That simply means write it down detail word for word with clarity and know exactly where your imagination and your mind wants to go. Whatever you can can see in your mind you can achieve with your hands. So go to work and do what God has put in your heart to do. It's just that simple. Get rid of all and any distractions. Remove and delete people from your life who serve your purpose no good. They may have good intentions but they are hindering your success and your God-given destiny. We learn as we grow older and you can give advice when you vacate your past and embrace your future. Together we can do this. You cannot do it alone. But it can and will be done in Jesus name amen!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Don't Die With Your Music Still INside: Moving Forward with God

Don't Die With Your Music Still INside: Moving Forward with God: Walking out of the "deathstyle" of lesbianism has freed me up to walk into the "lifestyle" God destined for me and it fe...

Moving Forward with God

Walking out of the "deathstyle" of lesbianism has freed me up to walk into the "lifestyle" God destined for me and it feels SOOOOO good to be loving Him and talking with Him everyday! My purpose has been revealed to me I have hope and a vision now that I can hardly sleep I'm so on fire for God! There was NO way I could've possibly been in the will of God and living a happy, joyous, and free life, fulfilling the call on my life, and loving another woman. I tried and just couldn't mix the two. Now I see the light, the truth, and know I can't straddle the fence if I want freedom period! I'm in love with Jesus who set me free from death, destruction, and hell, and I'm living the rest of my life for Him! I KNOW it's a thousand times better than the one I was living. Can I get a Amen?

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Someday is here

My some day is here! It has finally arrived! I had doubts for many years that my some day would come, but I have a knowing deep down in my spirit that it is here God has spoken to me deep down inside that it is my time to shine to tell the world about my life. I've been through hell and back many times I've been through ups and downs. life always seemed like a roller coaster to me some days were good and some were bad. When I was a little girl I got a whooping and I went outside afterwards; the sun shone down on me and that was my first experience with the presence of God. He comforted me and told me it will be alright and that someday I would be somebody. I began to sing "one day I'm going to be somebody I'm going to stand up in the crowd one day I'm going to be somebody I'm going to make somebody proud!" I did not know that I would be a singer or that I would write songs but that was my first song and I was about maybe eight or nine years old, I'm guessing. I am totally sold out for the love of my Lord Jesus Christ and for God's purpose for my life because mine has not worked yet for me thus far! There is no sense in trying to do it my way any longer because I'm tired! My life and every breath I take is for God from this day forward. I believe I am walking in my purpose and fulfilling my destiny, skills, and talents, and the call on my life please standby, watch and see the manifestation and transformation of the new me. To God be the glory! Amen.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Don't Die With Your Music Still INside: Overcoming homosexuality

Don't Die With Your Music Still INside: Overcoming homosexuality: Yes I am going to put it out there and get it out because I have nothing to hide and it's my life by the way. I have been living a homos...

Overcoming homosexuality

Yes I am going to put it out there and get it out because I have nothing to hide and it's my life by the way. I have been living a homosexual and lesbian lifestyle for quite some time now in fact, about the last 40 years of my life! I've tried to quit and go straight a few times only to not stay rooted and grounded in God's word and go running back to what I knew best! I know that I have been called by God to fulfill my mission here on this earth in this lifetime; and that is what I plan to do! I am not angry I am not mad nor am I sad for leaving the homosexual lifestyle, but I do know the word of God to be true and I will stand on it until I die! Please comment and leave any feedback everyone's opinion is just that, your opinion! I am not looking for any arguing so that will not happen, however feel free to join this blog as this is my new stand on life and if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything! I have been falling for all the devils lies long enough! God says my latter shall be greater then my former and that is what I am determined to watch happen.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A grandmother's love is eternal

I wanted to share this photo to show the first time I've seen my granddaughter in almost 2mos. It's a crazy story but I'm going to tell it. I am the paternal grandmother and the mother of the child doesn't care for me very much for her own reasons. Nonetheless, my brave granddaughter who is 1yr-old, survived a near death by drowning in her aunt's backyard algae-filled swimming pool. She was supposed to be under the care of her maternal grandmother. I was in Europe on a study-abroad trip for 30days. I was there only 7days when my son called me with the news; in fact, there is a video and it was actually on the news.
I had no money to get home but a man whom I've never met before, reached out to me on face book and bought me a one-way ticket home to get to my granddaughter. When I got home, I called my son to tell him I was on my way to see the baby. The mother found out I was on my way and she left with the child. I waited an hour for her to return. My heart was broken. I was broken. I knew I had a battle to fight and I'm in the midst of it as we speak. I already see the outcome and I already have the victory. What you want wants you. I want her and I know she wants her "gammaw." Thank you for listening. I'm writing my book, my memoir, and can't wait to tell my story so that others can know that they too can make it through.